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Join our team!

Thank you for your interest in working for New Pastures. 

Learning Support Assistant -  We are delighted to offer a vacancy for the role of ‘Learning Support Assistant’ This is an exciting opportunity to join our small friendly team and work with neurodivergent and vulnerable young people and adults in a multisensory, therapeutic setting.  To see the full job description, you can find it here...

Volunteers are extremely valuable to us and are an integral part of our organisation, we value the time volunteers give and the expertise that they can bring. We are a small friendly team and are looking to recruit some like minded volunteers to help us!  If you are interested in joining us please contact Katie:

Sunset over Poppy Field

Correspondence Address:

New Pastures Care Farm

Whitegates Farm

Chesterton Road


Leamington Spa

CV33 9NH

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Tel: 01926 614720

Mobile: 07966769927 & 07795438609


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